With the extractor PR, fixes title & description shown in the wrong language.
Fixed views / spectators counts possibly in the wrong language
Fixed live spectators not showing full count on detail page
Fixed LIVE shown on players, it shows translated instead
Fixed Videos string in search / three dots not available in Weblate
(because it was videos, but there already was a plural string named videos, in Weblate)
Subscriber count is always giving the short count.
We can't get exact number since this YouTube update: https://support.google.com/youtube/thread/6543166
But only short count (B, M, k), so showing full number, eg for 1.9M: 1,900,000, is wrong because the number could be 1,923,490 or 1,897,789…
Added a « sytem default » option to content language and country language selector.
It's the one selected by default (not en-GB anymore then), and correspond to the
language of the system / country of the system
By system I mean phone, tablet, TV…
Fixed russian showing - before time ago (eg 19hrs ago)
This is a workaround fix, I opened an issue on prettytime library repo.
Fixed russian plurals:
other was used instead of many for videos and subscribers
Fixed seek_duration english only
* use bold style in status (mission_item_linear.xml)
* fix download attemps not begin updated
* dont stop the queue if a download fails
* implement partial wake-lock & wifi-lock
* show notifications for failed downloads
* ¿proper bitmap dispose? (DownloadManagerService.java)
* improve buffer filling (CircularFile.java)
* [Mp4Dash] increment reserved space from 2MiB to 15MiB. This is expensive but useful for devices with low ram
* [WebM] use 2MiB of reserved space
* fix debug warning if one thread is used
* fix wrong download speed when the activity is suspended
* Fix "Queue" menu item that appears in post-processing errors
* fix mission length dont being updated (missing commit)
Post-processing infrastructure
* remove interfaces with one implementation
* fix download resources with unknow length
* marquee style for ProgressDrawable
* "view details" option in mission context menu
* notification for finished downloads
* postprocessing infrastructure: sub-missions, circular file, layers for layers of abstractions for Java IO streams
* Mp4 muxing (only DASH brand)
* WebM muxing
* Captions downloading
* alert dialog for overwrite existing downloads finished or not.
Misc changes
* delete SQLiteDownloadDataSource.java
* delete DownloadMissionSQLiteHelper.java
* implement Localization from #114
Misc fixes (this branch)
* restore old mission listeners variables. Prevents registered listeners get de-referenced on low-end devices
* DownloadManagerService.checkForRunningMission() now return false if the mission has a error.
* use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK when launching an activity from gigaget threads (apparently it is required in old versions of android)
More changes
* proper error handling "infrastructure"
* queue instead of multiple downloads
* move serialized pending downloads (.giga files) to app data
* stop downloads when swicthing to mobile network (never works, see 2nd point)
* save the thread count for next downloads
* a lot of incoherences fixed
* delete DownloadManagerTest.java (too many changes to keep this file updated)