Address Bopol's review
Changed the location, added option to delete, and also fixed a tiny grammar thingy.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 6 additions and 5 deletions
@ -12,16 +12,17 @@
- create clones
- create clones
- take over the world
- take over the world
#### Before/After Screenshots/Screen Record
<!-- If your PR changes the app's UI in any way, please include screenshots or a video showing exactly what changed, so that developers and users can pinpoint it easily. Delete this if it doesn't apply to your PR.-->
- Before:
- After:
#### Fixes the following issue(s)
#### Fixes the following issue(s)
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<!-- Prefix issues with "Fixes" so that GitHub closes them when the PR is merged (note that each "Fixes #" should be in its own item). Also add any other relevant links. -->
- Fixes #
- Fixes #
#### Relies on the following changes
#### Relies on the following changes
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<!-- Delete this if it doesn't apply to your PR. -->
#### Before/After Screenshots/Screen Record
<!-- If your PR changes the app's UI in any way, please include screenshots or a video showing exactly what changed, so that developers and users can pinpoint it easily. -->
#### APK testing
#### APK testing
Reference in a new issue