173 lines
5.6 KiB
173 lines
5.6 KiB
# A slightly more readable version of wordle-curses
import curses, random, time
from wordle.dictionary import defnsyn
import maze.menu
import maze.modules.maze as m1
quitwordle = False
words = open("wordle\\words.txt", "r").read().split("\n")
colorPairBindings = {"c": 2, "w": 3, "n": 7, "u": 6}
completionMessages = [
# Draw one row of the board
# Generates new row + colours alphabets in
def writeWord(s, word, remark, y):
s.addstr(y, 0, "│ │ │ │ │ │\n├─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤")
for i, (letter, color) in enumerate(zip(word, remark)):
i * 2 + 1,
# Score a word
def score(guess, word, alphabet):
res = [" "] * 5
counts = [0] * 26
# First process correct letters
for i, c in enumerate(guess):
if c == word[i]: #checking if guess letter corresponds to letter of the same index in chosen word
charIndex = ord(c) - 97 # 97 corresponds to a - gives alphabet number. (eg. h = 8)
counts[charIndex] += 1
res[i] = "c" # correct spot
alphabet[charIndex] = "c"
# Then handle wrong and nonpresent letters
for i, c in enumerate(guess):
if c != word[i]:
charIndex = ord(c) - 97
counts[charIndex] += 1
if c in word and word.count(c) >= counts[charIndex]: # if freq of letters in guess lesser than freq in word
res[i] = "w" # wrong spot
if alphabet[charIndex] != "c":
alphabet[charIndex] = "w"
res[i] = "n" # not in word
alphabet[charIndex] = "n"
return "".join(res), alphabet
# Render current board
# Updates alphabet use state + renders colours of guesses
def render(s, guesses, alphabet):
s.addstr(0, 0, "=== WORDLE ===", curses.color_pair(2))
for i, c in enumerate(alphabet):
1 + int(i // 7),
(i % 7) * 2,
chr(65 + i),
s.addstr(6, 0, "╭─┬─┬─┬─┬─╮")
for i, (w, r) in enumerate(guesses):
writeWord(s, w, r, i * 2 + 7)
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 10, 0, " ")
# Accept word from user input
def getWord(s, y):
word = ""
while True:
writeWord(s, word, "u" * len(word), y) # u = default blue colour
k = s.getch()
if k == 8: # backspace
word = word[:-1]
elif k == 27: # esc
global quitwordle
quitwordle = True
return "hello"
elif chr(k) == "\n" and len(word) == 5:
return word
elif chr(k).isalpha() and len(word) < 5:
word += chr(k)
# Run one game of Wordle
def run(s):
word = random.choice(words) #chosen word
with open("log.txt", "a") as f:
f.write("Chosen word: "+ word+"\n")
defn, synonyms = defnsyn(word)
guesses = [] # stores each guess and its result
alphabet = ["u"] * 26 # current status of each letter whether used or not
# c = correct positon, w = correct letter but not position, n = wrong letter, u = not used
# "ccccc" means all letters are in correct spot
while not (len(guesses)) or (guesses[-1][1] != "ccccc" and len(guesses) < 6):
if quitwordle:
render(s, guesses, alphabet) # Update current state of board from start
guess = getWord(s, len(guesses) * 2 + 7).lower()
if not (guess in words): # Check if given word is valid
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 10, 0, "INVALID WORD", curses.color_pair(1))
res, alphabet = score(guess, word, alphabet)
guesses.append([guess, res])
render(s, guesses, alphabet) #Renders final board
# Ending spiel
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 6, 0, "╰─┴─┴─┴─┴─╯")
if guesses[-1][1] != "ccccc":
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 8, 0, "No more tries - the word was " + word.upper())
len(guesses) * 2 + 8,
if defn and synonyms:
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 9, 0, word+": ", curses.color_pair(2))
synonyms = ", ".join(synonyms)
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 9, 8, defn)
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 10, 0, "Some synonyms: ", curses.color_pair(2))
s.addstr(len(guesses) * 2 + 10, 16, synonyms)
if len(guesses) == 6 and guesses[-1][1] != "ccccc":
finalscore = allocatescore(guesses)
return finalscore
def allocatescore(guesses):
finalscore = 0
if len(guesses) <= 3:
finalscore = 50
elif len(guesses) == 4:
finalscore = 40
elif len(guesses) == 5:
finalscore = 30
elif len(guesses) == 6:
finalscore = 20
return finalscore
# Main function
def main(s):
# Initialize colors
global quitwordle
quitwordle = False
for p in [
(1, curses.COLOR_RED),
(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN),
(3, curses.COLOR_YELLOW),
(7, curses.COLOR_WHITE),
(6, curses.COLOR_CYAN),
curses.init_pair(p[0], p[1], curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Run game
finalscore = run(s)
with open("log.txt", "a") as f:
while s.getch() == -1:
m1.play(s, executeguest=True, outerscore=finalscore, outergame="wordle")
return |