28 lines
1.4 KiB
28 lines
1.4 KiB
import maze.modules.maze
def about(screen):
y, x = screen.getmaxyx()
screen.addstr(1, x//2 - 2, "ABOUT US")
screen.addstr(3, 5, "This game which you have played was developed as a Computer Science Project by")
screen.addstr(5, 5, "B. Adithya - XII - C - Roll no: 3")
screen.addstr(6, 5, "V. Kirthivaasan - XII - C - Roll no: ")
screen.addstr(7, 5, "Manwanthakrishnan - XII - C - Roll no: 21")
screen.addstr(9, 5, "This game aims at generating a maze which always has a path towards the right bottom corner")
screen.addstr(10, 5, "by using a famous generation algorithm named Depth First Search (DFS).")
screen.addstr(11, 5, "This game makes use of the 'curses' module which runs on any operating system")
screen.addstr(12, 5, "in the native terminal without use of any other external modules.")
screen.addstr(13, 5, "It makes use of SQL tables to store login details and maintain a leaderboard.")
screen.addstr(15, 5, "This project has been an absolute blast to make.")
screen.addstr(16, 5, "We thank you for playing this! Hope you liked it as much as we did!")
screen.addstr(19, 5, "Signing off,")
screen.addstr(20, 5, "The Labyrinth")
screen.addstr(y - 2, x - 32, "Press Enter to exit this screen.")
while True:
key = screen.getch()
if key == 10: