import curses import random import sys import time from collections import defaultdict from itertools import tee from math import cos, exp, fabs, pi import maze.modules.maze_saveandload as sl import maze.modules.PlayerBase_func as database from import menu from .about import about WON = 0 PAUSED = False CONNECTED = {"N": 1, "S": 2, "E": 4, "W": 8} DIRECTIONS = {"N": (-1, 0), "S": (1, 0), "E": (0, 1), "W": (0, -1)} ANTIPODES = {"N": "S", "S": "N", "W": "E", "E": "W"} WALL = { 12: "═", 3: "║", 10: "╗", 5: "╚", 9: "╝", 6: "╔", 7: "╠", 11: "╣", 14: "╦", 13: "╩", 15: "╬", 0: " ", 4: "═", 8: "═", 1: "║", 2: "║", } VISITED = 16 class Maze: def __init__(self, height, width, start=(0, 0)): self.height = height self.width = width - 11 self.stack = [] self.cells = {(y, x): 0 for y in range(self.height) for x in range(self.width)} def eligible_neighbours(self, y, x): return [ ((y + i, x + j), d) for d, (i, j) in DIRECTIONS.items() if (y + i, x + j) in self.cells.keys() and not self.cells[(y + i, x + j)] & VISITED ] def connected_cells(self, y, x): cell_directions = [d for (d, v) in CONNECTED.items() if v & self.cells[(y, x)]] return { (y + i, x + j): d for d, (i, j) in DIRECTIONS.items() if d in cell_directions } def build(self, start): current_cell = start while [c for c in self.cells.values() if not c & VISITED]: self.cells[current_cell] |= VISITED eligible_neighbours = self.eligible_neighbours(*current_cell) if not eligible_neighbours: next_cell = self.stack.pop() else: self.stack.append(current_cell) next_cell, direction = random.choice(eligible_neighbours) self.cells[current_cell] |= CONNECTED[direction] self.cells[next_cell] |= CONNECTED[ANTIPODES[direction]] current_cell = next_cell def track(self, start=(0, 0)): yield start current_cell = start self.stack = [] for coord in self.cells.keys(): self.cells[coord] &= ~VISITED while [c for c in self.cells.values() if not c & VISITED]: self.cells[current_cell] |= VISITED eligible_neighbours = [ (c, d) for (c, d) in self.connected_cells(*current_cell).items() if not self.cells[c] & VISITED ] if not eligible_neighbours: next_cell = self.stack.pop() else: self.stack.append(current_cell) next_cell, direction = random.choice(eligible_neighbours) yield next_cell current_cell = next_cell def __repr__(self): buffer = [ [0 for _ in range(2 * self.width + 1)] for _ in range(2 * self.height + 1) ] for row in range(self.height): # 0 -> 3 for col in range(self.width): # 0 -> 21 if row != 0: buffer[2 * row][2 * col + 1] = ( ~self.cells[row, col] & CONNECTED["N"] ) << 3 if col != 0: buffer[2 * row + 1][2 * col] = ( ~self.cells[row, col] & CONNECTED["W"] ) >> 3 if (row and col) != 0: buffer[2 * row][2 * col] = ( buffer[2 * row][2 * col - 1] | (buffer[2 * row][2 * col + 1] >> 1) | buffer[2 * row - 1][2 * col] | (buffer[2 * row + 1][2 * col] << 1) ) for row in range(1, 2 * self.height): buffer[row][0] = CONNECTED["N"] | CONNECTED["S"] | (buffer[row][1] >> 1) buffer[row][2 * self.width] = ( CONNECTED["N"] | CONNECTED["S"] | buffer[row][2 * self.width - 1] ) for col in range(1, 2 * self.width): buffer[0][col] = CONNECTED["E"] | CONNECTED["W"] | (buffer[1][col] << 1) buffer[2 * self.height][col] = ( CONNECTED["E"] | CONNECTED["W"] | buffer[2 * self.height - 1][col] ) buffer[0][0] = CONNECTED["S"] | CONNECTED["E"] buffer[0][2 * self.width] = CONNECTED["S"] | CONNECTED["W"] buffer[2 * self.height][0] = CONNECTED["N"] | CONNECTED["E"] buffer[2 * self.height][2 * self.width] = CONNECTED["N"] | CONNECTED["W"] finalstr = "\n".join(["".join(WALL[cell] for cell in row) for row in buffer]) broken = list(finalstr) broken[len(broken) - 2 - (2 * self.width + 1)] = " " finalstr = "".join(broken) return finalstr def path(maze, start, finish): heuristic = lambda node: abs(node[0] - finish[0]) + abs(node[1] - finish[1]) nodes_to_explore = [start] explored_nodes = set() parent = {} global_score = defaultdict(lambda: float("inf")) global_score[start] = 0 local_score = defaultdict(lambda: float("inf")) local_score[start] = heuristic(start) def retrace_path(current): total_path = [current] while current in parent.keys(): current = parent[current] total_path.append(current) return reversed(total_path) while nodes_to_explore: nodes_to_explore.sort(key=lambda n: local_score[n]) current = nodes_to_explore.pop() if current == finish: return retrace_path(current) explored_nodes.add(current) for neighbour in maze.connected_cells(*current).keys(): tentative_global_score = global_score[current] + 1 if tentative_global_score < global_score[neighbour]: parent[neighbour] = current global_score[neighbour] = tentative_global_score local_score[neighbour] = global_score[neighbour] + heuristic(neighbour) if neighbour not in explored_nodes: nodes_to_explore.append(neighbour) def draw_path( path, screen, delay=0, head=None, trail=None, skip_first=True, calledby=None ): if not head: head = ("█", curses.color_pair(2)) if not trail: trail = ("█", curses.color_pair(2)) current_cell = next(path) old_cell = current_cell for idx, next_cell in enumerate(path): first = (not idx) and skip_first if calledby != "reset" and screen.getch() == ord(" "): break screen.refresh() for last, cell in enumerate( [ ( current_cell[0] + t * (next_cell[0] - current_cell[0]), current_cell[1] + t * (next_cell[1] - current_cell[1]), ) for t in [0, 1 / 2] ] ): time.sleep(delay) if not first: screen.addstr(*coords(cell), *head) if last: if not first: screen.addstr(*coords(current_cell), *trail) old_cell = cell elif not first: screen.addstr(*coords(old_cell), *trail) screen.refresh() current_cell = next_cell def coords(node): return (int(2 * node[0]) + 1, int(2 * node[1]) + 1) def construction_demo(maze, screen): head = (".", curses.color_pair(3)) trail = (".", curses.color_pair(2)) draw_path( maze.track(), screen, delay=0.01, head=head, trail=trail, skip_first=False ) screen.nodelay(False) def pathfinding_demo( maze, screen, start_ts, won_coords, loadedcoords=None, loadedtime=0 ): start = [] finish = [] solution = None old_solution = None def reset(start_or_finish, cell, colour): nonlocal solution, old_solution if start_or_finish: screen.addstr(*coords(start_or_finish.pop()), " ") screen.addstr(*coords(cell), "█", colour) screen.refresh() if old_solution: draw_path(old_solution, screen, head=" ", trail=" ", calledby="reset") start_or_finish.append(cell) if start and finish: solution, old_solution = tee(path(maze, start[0], finish[0])) draw_path(solution, screen, calledby="reset") maxy, maxx = screen.getmaxyx() if loadedcoords: current_coords = list(loadedcoords) cell = (int(current_coords[0] / 2), int(current_coords[1] / 2)) reset(finish, cell, curses.color_pair(2)) reset(start, (0, 0), curses.color_pair(2)) else: current_coords = [maxy - 5, maxx - 27] # current_coords = [1, 1] screen.addstr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1], "█", curses.color_pair(2)) WALL = ["═", "║", "╗", "╚", "╝", "╔", "╠", "╣", "╦", "╩", "╬", "═", "═", "║", "║"] pause_elapsed = 0 while True: global PAUSED if PAUSED: start_paused_ts = time.time() screen.addstr(4, maxx - 17, "PAUSED") screen.refresh() while True: pausekey = screen.getch() if pausekey == ord("r"): end_paused_ts = time.time() screen.addstr(4, maxx - 17, " ") PAUSED = False break pause_elapsed += int(end_paused_ts - start_paused_ts) actual_elapsed = str( int(time.time() - start_ts - -1 * loadedtime) - pause_elapsed ) screen.addstr(5, maxx - 17, actual_elapsed + " sec") screen.refresh() key = screen.getch() # print("Max=",maxy, maxx, "Current=", current_coords[0], current_coords[1]) if key == 27: break elif key == ord("p"): PAUSED = True continue elif key == ord("m"):, maze, current_coords, float(actual_elapsed)) elif current_coords[0] == won_coords[0] and current_coords[1] == won_coords[1]: screen.clear() screen.refresh() screen.addstr( 0, 0, """ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ███ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ███ ███ ██████ ██ ████ ██ """, ) screen.refresh() global WON WON = WON + 1 time.sleep(3) break # Mouse hacks # elif key == curses.KEY_MOUSE: # _, x, y, _, state = curses.getmouse() # cell = (int(y / 2), int(x / 2)) # if state & curses.BUTTON3_PRESSED: # reset(finish, cell, curses.color_pair(2)) # elif state & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED: # reset(start, cell, curses.color_pair(3)) elif key == curses.KEY_UP: if ( screen.instr(current_coords[0] - 1, current_coords[1], 1).decode( "utf-8" ) == "█" ): screen.addstr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1], " ") screen.refresh() current_coords = [current_coords[0] - 1, current_coords[1]] elif ( screen.instr(current_coords[0] - 1, current_coords[1], 1).decode( "utf-8" ) not in WALL ): # if current_coords[0]-1 != 0: current_coords = [current_coords[0] - 1, current_coords[1]] screen.addstr( current_coords[0], current_coords[1], "█", curses.color_pair(2) ) # else: # print(screen.instr(current_coords[0]-1,current_coords[1],1).decode("utf-8"), "UP PRESS") elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: if ( screen.instr(current_coords[0] + 1, current_coords[1], 1).decode( "utf-8" ) == "█" ): screen.addstr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1], " ") screen.refresh() current_coords = [current_coords[0] + 1, current_coords[1]] elif ( screen.instr(current_coords[0] + 1, current_coords[1], 1).decode( "utf-8" ) not in WALL ): current_coords = [current_coords[0] + 1, current_coords[1]] screen.addstr( current_coords[0], current_coords[1], "█", curses.color_pair(2) ) # else: # print(screen.instr(current_coords[0]+1,current_coords[1],1).decode("utf-8"), "DOWN PRESS") elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT: if ( screen.instr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1] - 1, 1).decode( "utf-8" ) == "█" ): screen.addstr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1], " ") screen.refresh() current_coords = [current_coords[0], current_coords[1] - 1] elif ( screen.instr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1] - 1, 1).decode( "utf-8" ) not in WALL ): current_coords = [current_coords[0], current_coords[1] - 1] screen.addstr( current_coords[0], current_coords[1], "█", curses.color_pair(2) ) # else: # print(screen.instr(current_coords[0],current_coords[1]-1,1).decode("utf-8"), "SIDE PRESS") elif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if ( screen.instr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1] + 1, 1).decode( "utf-8" ) == "█" ): screen.addstr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1], " ") screen.refresh() current_coords = [current_coords[0], current_coords[1] + 1] elif ( screen.instr(current_coords[0], current_coords[1] + 1, 1).decode( "utf-8" ) not in WALL ): current_coords = [current_coords[0], current_coords[1] + 1] screen.addstr( current_coords[0], current_coords[1], "█", curses.color_pair(2) ) # else: # print(screen.instr(current_coords[0],current_coords[1]+1,1).decode("utf-8"), "RSIDE PRESS") # def menu(screen): # y, x = screen.getmaxyx() # screen.clear() # screen.refresh() # text = """ # \t\t\t██ █████ ██████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ███ ██ ████████ ██ ██ # \t\t\t██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ # \t\t\t██ ███████ ██████ ████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ███████ # \t\t\t██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ # \t\t\t███████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ██ ██""" # # screen.addstr(1, 5, str(text)) # screen.addstr(10, x // 2 - 2, "MENU") # screen.addstr(13, 1, "space - Play") # screen.addstr(14, 1, "f - Load game from file") # screen.addstr(15, 1, "a - Account Settings") # screen.addstr(16, 1, "l - Leaderboard") # screen.addstr(17, 1, "x - About") # screen.addstr(18, 1, "esc - Quit") # screen.border() # while True: # key = screen.getch() # if key == ord(" "): # play(screen) # elif key == 27: # screen.clear() # screen.refresh() # screen.border() # screen.addstr(y // 2 - 5, x // 2 - 5, "THANK YOU!") # while True: # breakkey = screen.getch() # if breakkey: # time.sleep(1) # sys.exit() # elif key == ord("a"): # database.screenhandler(screen) # elif key == ord("l"): # database.leaderboard(screen) # elif key == ord("x"): # about(screen) # elif key == ord("f"): # present = sl.check() # if present: # maze = sl.load(screen) # if maze: # play(screen, maze[0], maze[1], maze[2]) # return # else: # screen.addstr( # 20, 5, "No saved mazes present. Press enter to continue..." # ) # while True: # key2 = screen.getch() # if key2 == 10: # screen.addstr(20, 5, " " * (x - 10)) # break def play( screen, loadedmaze=None, loadedcoords=None, loadedtime=0, executeguest=False, outerscore=0, outergame=False ): y, x = screen.getmaxyx() height, width = int((y - 2) / 2), int((x - 2) / 2) def guestswitch(score, game): screen.clear() screen.refresh() screen.border() screen.addstr(y // 2 - 5, x // 2 - 8, str("Your score is: " + str(int(score)))) res = database.Update_score(int(score), game) if res == "guest": screen.addstr( height - 1, 5, "You are not signed in. You will lose your score if you proceed.", ) screen.addstr( height, 5, "Do you want to login and save your progress? (y/n)" ) while True: key = screen.getch() if key == ord("y"): database.login(screen, calledby=(int(score), game)) break elif key == ord("n"): break screen.clear() screen.refresh() menu(screen) return if executeguest: guestswitch(outerscore, outergame) return screen.clear() screen.refresh() if not loadedmaze: maze = Maze(height, width) else: maze = loadedmaze screen.addstr(0, 0, str(maze)) won_coords = screen.getyx() won_coords = list(won_coords) won_coords[0] = won_coords[0] - 1 won_coords = tuple(won_coords) screen.refresh() sx = x - 22 # x - 23 screen.addstr(0, sx, "LABYRINTH") screen.addstr(5, sx, "Time:") screen.addstr(8, sx, "esc - Quit") screen.addstr(9, sx, "Up - Move up") screen.addstr(10, sx, "Down - Move down") screen.addstr(11, sx, "Left - Move left") screen.addstr(12, sx, "Right - Move right") screen.addstr(13, sx, "p - Pause") screen.addstr(14, sx, "r - Resume") screen.addstr(15, sx, "m - save") screen.refresh() start_ts = time.time() pathfinding_demo(maze, screen, start_ts, won_coords, loadedcoords, loadedtime) end_ts = time.time() came_out = 1 while True: if came_out != 0: global WON if WON != 0: tt = (start_ts - end_ts) / 300 score = fabs(cos(tt * pi)) score *= 10000 WON = 0 else: score = 0 guestswitch(score, game="maze") # res = database.Update_score(int(score)) # if res == "guest": # screen.addstr( # height - 1, # 5, # "You are not signed in. You will lose your score if you proceed.", # ) # screen.addstr( # height, 5, "Do you want to login and save your progress? (y/n)" # ) # while True: # key = screen.getch() # if key == ord("y"): # database.login(screen, calledby=int(score)) # break # elif key == ord("n"): # break # screen.clear() # screen.refresh() # came_out = 0 # menu(screen) # return def main(screen): screen.nodelay(True) curses.curs_set(False) curses.mousemask(curses.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) screen.clear() screen.refresh() y, x = screen.getmaxyx() height, width = int((y - 2) / 2), int((x - 2) / 2) database.databaseinit() database.tableinit() maze = Maze(height, width) screen.addstr(0, 0, str(maze)) screen.refresh() screen.addstr(2, x - 22, "Press space to skip") screen.addstr(3, x - 22, "the loading screen...") construction_demo(maze, screen) screen.clear() screen.refresh() # 70x 15y menu(screen) exit()