## Setting up * Install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt` * Run `python starter.py setup` to set up your Gmail app-specific password for sending forgot password emails and Oxford Dictionary API keys. * Run `python starter.py initsql` to initialise your mysql credentials. * If you want to test the database functionalities, run `python starter.py dumpsample` to dump a sample database. ## Running the game * Run `python starter.py` and enjoy the game! ## Credits * Maze was heavily inspired by https://github.com/christiankuhl/mazes * Snake was heavily inspired by https://github.com/nikhilkumarsingh/python-curses-tut/blob/master/03.%20Creating%20a%20Snake%20Game.ipynb * Wordle was heavily inspired by https://github.com/knosmos/wordle-curses